We, at the Graduate School of Business (GSB), believe that overall infrastructure plays a vital role in the quality of education being imparted to the students. Our infrastructure matches any top-notch college in the world. An aesthetically designed building with its lush green landscaped gardens, spread out sports fields, a beautiful Amphitheatre and Auditorium, a Smart well-equipped Library make a stunning impact on the viewer. Smart step-up Airconditioned Class Rooms equipped with Smart Board, Video Projection Facility, Video Conferencing Facilities & Live Lecture Recording, along with well designed Dance, Drama & Music Studios, makes education enjoyable. Cricket, Football, Hockey, Basket Ball, Volleyball, Table Tennis facilities provide ample opportunities to sports enthusiasts to hone their skills. Our Dance, Drama and Music Studios, along with the Open-Air Amphitheatre and ‘State of Art’ Auditorium, enthral the artists amongst our students, since it enables them to learn, as well as, showcase their skills to the audience. The well planned “Burmese Bamboos” provide a green backdrop outside each and every lecture hall creating a conducive environment to studies. The exquisitely designed lush green “Rain Forest Café” provides student the opportunities to utilise his breaks in a most pleasurable environment.
• 11 acre Lush Green Eco-Friendly Campus
• Smart-Board Enabled AC Classrooms
• 300-Seater World Class Auditorium
• Open Air Amphitheatre
• Step- up Theatrical Classrooms
• Live Lecture Recording
• Video Conferencing Facilities
• Wi-Fi Campus with High Speed Broadband Connection
• E-Library and Online Test System
• Forest Café
• Cricket, Football, Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball & Indoor Games Facility
• Dance, Drama & Music Studios
• Yoga, Meditation, Dance & Music Centre
• Transportation Facility across the city & Dewas
• Hostel accommodation assistance.